31 Maret 2011

Friday: Email terakhir Daddy..

Ini adalah email terakhir Daddy yang dikirimkan untuk temen2nya dulu waktu kerja di Jakarta...tahun kemaren.
Email ini ga sengaja nemu di lapie eke, entah begimana ceritanya sampe nyelip di sono. Setelah dibaca, ga tau yah... seneng aja sama tulisan ini...terutama yang di paragraf 2 dan 3 nya...very nice..^^ 

Kenapa? karena untuk ukuran orang secuek dan dingin kayak Daddy, bisa nulis kata perpisahan yang hangat kayak begini makanya aneh.

Setauku dia adalah tipe orang yang dunia pikirannya terbatas....terbatas antara keluarga dan cari uang...teman-teman dan yang lainnya sepertinya tidak begitu penting dalam pikiran dia..bahkan untuk urusan kerjaan pun waktunya adalah sisa waktu bersamaku dan Kirei...pokonya dunia dia cuma dipenuhi sama Mommy, kirei, jalan-jalan, makan-makan...mommy, kirei...terus kayak gitu....hehhe.......


Dear All My Friends,
It's been more than one year me being work together with you all in this lovely company. I got a lot of valueable experiences, which is make me be more profesional and growing up my knowledge and my cerebration. I have the highest revenue i ever have every month also.

"Everything that have a begining has an end", the Oracle said on The Matrix movie. and this is my end, the end day of work together with you all in PT XXXXX. I leave this company because i need more closer to my family in Sukabumi. I've a beautiful wife and lovely kids already, i want to be a good father that always guide them, and become an imam (leader) among them. unfortunatly, i have no courage to take them to Jakarta, i don't know why, i just don't like this orange city.

Hereinafter, i'll stay on Sukabumi for a while and then i will take my family to the blue city Bandung. I'll be together with a friend for handling projects to provide and manufacture telemetry instrumentation for such client companies. So, i am not going to any other CP company. I wanna be a farmer and stay in a village someday after i have enought capital.

Hundreds thank you to you all, for being my friends and for everything. Special thanks to Sir Alain, Kang Azies, Koko Zimmy, and Mas Andhy for knowledges and skills that have been shared to me, thank you very much.

After this, i can still be contacted on my old phone number: 6285624766XXXX and my email: XXXXXXX@gmail.com. 

So, good bye, see you later, and thank you.


Too sweet to say Good bye Daddy....

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